TD1508 is the FCC version of the TD1208, they are pin to pin compatible and based on the same SDK so converting an object working on a TD1208 sounds easy. Practically speaking there are some preparing steps because of some tiny bugs to solve.
Let see how to port a Telecom Design existing firmware for TD1208 to TD1508 (from ETSI to FCC).
Compile the library for EZR
You first have to rename a file :

Rename a file
The file startup_efm32lg.s have to be renamed to startup_efm32lg.S if you do it directly from the file system don’t forget to refresh the folder in the Project Explorer.
Then as the chip in TD1508 is an Energy Micro EZR, so you need to recompile the library for this target:
You have to do it for all the libraries :

Lib you need to recompile with EZR target
Once done your project is ready to be recompiled.
Adapt the build settings
In the project template I have the TD1508 have its variable set to TD1208 value, so you can check this and fix it here:

Ensure the module revision setting is correct
Adapt your software
I2C pins are different so you have to adapt your I2C init.
#if MODULE_REVISION == REVISION_TD1508 #define I2C_SCL_PORT gpioPortE #define I2C_SCL_BIT 1 #define I2C_SDA_PORT gpioPortE #define I2C_SDA_BIT 0 #else #define I2C_SCL_PORT SCL_PORT #define I2C_SCL_BIT SCL_BIT #define I2C_SDA_PORT SDA_PORT #define I2C_SDA_BIT SDA_BIT #endif void my_I2C_Init_(void) { CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_GPIO, true); #if MODULE_REVISION == REVISION_TD1508 CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_I2C1, true); #else CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_I2C0, true); #endif GPIO_PinModeSet(I2C_SCL_PORT, I2C_SCL_BIT,gpioModeWiredAnd,1); GPIO_PinModeSet(I2C_SDA_PORT, I2C_SDA_BIT,gpioModeWiredAnd,1); I2C_Init_TypeDef i2cInit = I2C_INIT_DEFAULT; #if MODULE_REVISION == REVISION_TD1508 I2C1->ROUTE = I2C_ROUTE_SDAPEN | I2C_ROUTE_SCLPEN | (2 << _I2C_ROUTE_LOCATION_SHIFT); I2C_Init(I2C1, &i2cInit); // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(I2C1_IRQn); // uncomment if you are using IRQ // NVIC_EnableIRQ(I2C1_IRQn); #else I2C0->ROUTE = I2C_ROUTE_SDAPEN | I2C_ROUTE_SCLPEN | _I2C_ROUTE_LOCATION_LOC0; I2C_Init(I2C0, &i2cInit); // NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(I2C0_IRQn); // uncomment if you are using IRQ // NVIC_EnableIRQ(I2C0_IRQn); #endif }
Do not forget to also update your I2C read/write procedure and replace the I2C0 bus to I2C1 bus like this :
#if MODULE_REVISION == REVISION_TD1508 #define IC2BUS I2C1 #else #define IC2BUS I2C0 #endif ... i2cTransfert.buf[1].len = 2; _status = I2C_TransferInit(IC2BUS, &i2cTransfert); while ( _status == i2cTransferInProgress) { _status = I2C_Transfer(IC2BUS); } ...
Radio Power
With a transmission at 24dB the power needed will be 240mA, time is shorter but consumption really higher. You have to ensure your object power supply can support a such peak. If not you need to limit the transmission power.
Consumptions are :
Tx Power | Vcc Power |
15dB | 135mA |
20dB | 180mA |
22dB | 200mA |
23dB | 230mA |
24dB | 240mA |
To select the right transmission power you can use the following function
You add as parameter the power in dB you want to use. According to the User Manual, I assume you can only choose 15,20,22,23,24dB.
Configure sigfox
The version 6.3.4 of the SDK have some bug on Sigfox configuration for FCC, so you need to manually call some functions on init to configure Sigfox communications on FCC. Only need to be called once.
uint32_t sigfox_fcc_macro_channel_bitmask[3]; sigfox_fcc_macro_channel_bitmask[0] = CONFIG_SIGFOX_FCC_MACRO_CHANNEL_BITMASK_LSB; sigfox_fcc_macro_channel_bitmask[1] = CONFIG_SIGFOX_FCC_MACRO_CHANNEL_BITMASK_MID; sigfox_fcc_macro_channel_bitmask[2] = CONFIG_SIGFOX_FCC_MACRO_CHANNEL_BITMASK_MSB; TD_SIGFOX_SetMacroChannelBitmask(sigfox_fcc_macro_channel_bitmask); TD_SIGFOX_SetDefaultMacroChannel(CONFIG_SIGFOX_FCC_DEFAULT_MACRO_CHANNEL);
Program the chip
With a JLink programmer you can use the following command to initiate the right chip:
# JLinkExe -device EZR32LG230F128 -if swd -speed 1000
Actually the Windows loader is not able to program the chip but you can program over the serial port with product ID = 31
./cflash -d /dev/ttyUSBx -b 115200 -p 31 firmware.bin
Still missing
According to the forum the chip have to be rebooted every 2 frame to work with sigfox network in USA, looking forward to find a workaround.
For those who are not afraid (if you don’t understand, just not try to do it) … another way to do is to search for the address of the channel variable in the .map file
.bss.Channel 0x20001788 0x2 C:\TD\TD_RF_Module_SDK-v6.0.0\Github\TD_RF_Module_SDK\lib\libtdrf\GCC Release EZR\libtdrf.a(td_sigfox_downlink.o)
Part in red above.
Once you have it, before any emit you can reset this value to 0 and the message will be sent on the initial frequency everytime. Just hope the lib will be soon fixed because it really durty.
uint16_t * channel = (uint16_t *)0x2000187e; void resetFreq(){ *channel = 0; }